About Scarab Water
About Our Sewage Systems
SCARAB designs and installs pre-engineered domestic sewage treatment systems. The brand was first marketed in mid 2001, and a major investment and research program was initiated, resulting, finally, in the first prototype. This new design was installed in mid 2002.
The wastewater package plant design proved to be very effective and reliable, easily passing tests conducted by Umgeni Water (March 2003), and finally getting approval from Durban Metro (April 2003). It should be noted that this sewage treatment system is the only design to have been approved by Durban Metro - under the old guideline policy No 8 and No 12. This system is still operational today.
We have installed our treatment systems throughout South Africa, Southern Africa, Kenya, Rwanda and we have three successful Scarabs in Queensland, Australia.
Package Plants South Africa
Treat your water to a Scarab system.
The wastewater package plant design proved to be very effective and reliable, easily passing tests conducted by Umgeni Water (March 2003), and finally getting approval from Durban Metro (April 2003). It should be noted that this sewage treatment system is the only design to have been approved by Durban Metro - under the old guideline policy No 8 and No 12. This system is still operational today.
We have installed our treatment systems throughout South Africa, Southern Africa, Kenya, Rwanda and we have three successful Scarabs in Queensland, Australia.
Package Plants South Africa
Treat your water to a Scarab system.
Sewage Treatment Systems
SCARAB, owned by Steve Nicol and the late Gordon Nicol, and their vast experience in the sewer industry, started as early as 1982. In 1986, Steve started his own business, United Pumping, and Gordon joined him in 1988. Primarily, United Pumping, now Unipump cc, serviced and maintained sewer pumping and treatment equipment for the public and private sectors. With this experience, the family team were asked by business associates, to help develop a new sewage package plant and that product became commercialized in 1997. The association ended in 2001 and SCARAB was launched.
SCARAB® is a listed Top 100 South African company (tt100) for it's technology in 2004, 2005 and 2006, and featured in the Engineering News (Engineering news here) The 2006 tt100 Bio2Biz award in Durban, was presented to Steve Nicol, by the Science and Technology deputy minister, Derek Hanekom. Since 2006, we have been recognized by a wide range of local and international experts, for our efforts to produce the very best innovative products, in an industry that will need to perform, if it is to save the earth's most precious resource - WATER. (see Accolades here).
In 2011, the company relocated to Limpopo, which was not only closer to it's local and international markets, based in Johannesburg, but gave the team opportunity to thrive, in a relaxed rural environment.
SCARAB Australia (Pty) Ltd (link Package Plants,) was launched in May 2013, and we have 3 successful domestic sewage treatment package plants in Queensland.
Treat your water to a Scarab® domestic sewage treatment system.
SCARAB® is a listed Top 100 South African company (tt100) for it's technology in 2004, 2005 and 2006, and featured in the Engineering News (Engineering news here) The 2006 tt100 Bio2Biz award in Durban, was presented to Steve Nicol, by the Science and Technology deputy minister, Derek Hanekom. Since 2006, we have been recognized by a wide range of local and international experts, for our efforts to produce the very best innovative products, in an industry that will need to perform, if it is to save the earth's most precious resource - WATER. (see Accolades here).
In 2011, the company relocated to Limpopo, which was not only closer to it's local and international markets, based in Johannesburg, but gave the team opportunity to thrive, in a relaxed rural environment.
SCARAB Australia (Pty) Ltd (link Package Plants,) was launched in May 2013, and we have 3 successful domestic sewage treatment package plants in Queensland.
Treat your water to a Scarab® domestic sewage treatment system.
Scarab Office

- Made from only the best materials - No compromise !
- Reliable and Efficient operation
- Easily maintained by the owner / operator
- Serviced / maintained without shutting down
- Unique design allows heavy sludge self cleaning
- Aeration bubble pathlength 3 x any other system
- Quick to install
- Disinfection Ozone or Chlorine options
- Modular - Upgrade, downgrade and relocate.
- Top quality workmanship.
- Quiet operation
- Chemical Free biological process
- Odourless
- Recycle your wastewater
- No moving parts inside the Scarab system
- Wearing parts can be found at most well stocked DIY
- Great for gardens, lawns, washing cars, water features
- Non-polluting the ground water
- Increase the water table, particularly in dry season
- No regular Honey-sucker visits
- Healthier septic tanks
- Treated water is crystal clear & odourless
- Environmentally friendly
- Will increase the value of your property
- Unobtrusive and descrete
Sewage system for rural school

Wastewater treatment plants

The Scarab® Team
The Package Plant People.